Co-curriculum Pursuit

School Trips
Students have the opportunity to embark on educational and enjoyable trips both within the city and beyond. Starting from grade 4, students participate in annual outstation trips. These experiences not only provide valuable learning outside the classroom but also foster strong connections between students, teachers, and peers.

Circle time
Circle Time activities are designed to build teamwork and enhance students' self-esteem. In these sessions, the teacher facilitates group discussions where each child is encouraged to express their thoughts while others listen actively. This process promotes essential skills such as observation, speaking, listening, thinking, and concentration. Circle Time cultivates a positive atmosphere in the classroom and helps students develop a sense of belonging.

Discovery Hour
Discovery Hour is a dedicated time for observation, experimentation, and hands-on learning. Through engaging activities, students explore and discover, often working both independently and collaboratively. The teacher serves as a facilitator, guiding students as they experiment, solve problems, and draw conclusions. This hour promotes logical thinking, analytical reasoning, decision-making, and the development of fine motor and listening skills. Activities can range from worksheets to experiments and even no-fire cooking sessions.